Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Joint Hookup

So, Bethesda announced a while ago that they weren't quite done making expansions for their post-apocalyptic role player, Fallout 3, and that the expansions were going to come out for the PlayStation 3 eventually. Today was the day that the first of the two DLC pieces they put together was released on Xbox Live, and like every other month this happens, I got it the first day, tested it for bugs, and then went about my merry way to more post-nuclear-war-torn US.

Point Lookout once again moves you away from the Capital Wasteland and instead of Alaska, Pittsburgh, or some hidden air force base in DC, we go to Point Lookout, Maryland. The landscape is very different, as all the DLC has offered with a different look at how different areas are dealing with life in an irradiated world, and appears to be a bit bigger than all the previous downloadable areas. The swampland has grown some weird fruits, made people grow in odd ways, and made it sound like a good idea to have your brain operated on. Despite the crazy people, the small settlement at the pier seemed harmless enough. Outside of the normal folks and ghouls around, the enemies in the swamp look like they came out Wes Craven's The Hills Have Eyes--very weird, and I'm not sure retard strength begins to cover it. Another thing is if you just picked up the game and downloaded the Point Lookout pack, do not go there right away. The creatures here are hard to kill even at level 30, with super good stats, Lincoln's Repeater, and infallible headshots. These baddies do not like going down.

The quest-line seemed a bit shorter than usual--and all the DLC quests have been a bit on the short side. Even the exploration achievement was a bit too easy to get as compared to what I was expecting when I first got to the area. But regardless, it still rocks to have more reason to play Fallout 3. And let me tell you, some of the things that happen will make you say "Double-you tee eff, Mate!" Definitely worth the playthrough, and maybe worth the revisit if you weren't as thorough with exploring as I was and you want to level boost with the good XP amount you get from killing deformed mutant people. The added items, such as the sick energy weapon at the end of the quest, is damn worth it too. One thing this seems to be missing is a few side-quests that the other packs had that made it necessary to go back to those areas at some point, but maybe I just wasn't paying attention.

All in all, if you have Fallout 3 and have the other expansions, just get this one already and look forward to Mothership Zeta.

-Evan "Dez" O'Connor

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