Thursday, June 25, 2009

Decreased Resale

I appear to be reviewing old movies, apparently, because I have another one for you. This one is another science fiction-y thing, but with different expectations of it. Early 90s again, but the budget was a bit higher for this one. Some more big names in this one, but nothing like John Leguizamo. So here it is, the latest movie review written two goddamn days in advanced because I have so many of these.

Total Recall (1990) is a science fiction action film with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sharon Stone and even if y0ou haven't seen this movie, you know how it ends even if all you have to base on it is your feeble knowledge of Schwarzenegger movies. The film was based on a Philip K. Dick novel by the name of We Can Remember It For You Wholesale, which was marketed and the title shortened to the easier to remember and say title of Total Recall. Funny story, it was also what was supposed to be Total Recall 2 ended up being the Tom Cruise movie Minority Report.

The movie was filmed by director Paul Verhoeven, who was also the director of RoboCop and Starship Troopers, so he knows his mindless action movies. The writers, Ronald Shusett, Dan O'Bannon, Jon Povill, and Gary Goldman had films such as Alien, Star Trek, and Big Trouble in Little China. We'll try and forget that Goldman also wrote Navy SEALS. The team for the film did a great job, especially with the tacky 90s suspense music. Having seen the movies so many times, I still can't figure out whether its comedy is intended, especially the stupid-funny comedies that one of the writers contributed to our society, but it is good all the same.

The movie involves Mars, an oppressive government, and erased memories and Arnold Schwarzenegger rewrites the famous Harrison Ford Telling People He Wants His Family Back to Arny in Arnold Schwarzenegger Telling People He Wants His Memory Back. His acting is about as good as it gets, with actors like Sharon Stone, Ronny Cox, and Michael Ironside chasing and manipulating him all the way. The story of the film is perfect for the actors and their abilities, if not the audience's attention.

Roger Ebert called it one of the most complex and visually interesting films of the time, and he doesn't like anything. The film won an academy award for special effects back when special effects weren't cool enough for most movies. Total Recall is a great movie, if you see Arnold's face and know to expect mindless heart-pumping action. This movie rules, as long as you don't expect anything intelligent (outside of the story, which probably confused most meat-heads of the time) for the next two hours.

-Evan "Dez" O'Connor

1 comment:

  1. Love this movie. It's like a d20 Future campaign wrapped into two hours.
