Friday, November 13, 2009

Hithchiker's Guide to the Apocalypse

The new update schedule is going to go something like this: music reviews will be posted on Tuesdays; video game reviews will be posted on Wednesdays; movie reviews will be posted on Fridays; and UFC, concerts, live events, other random things I just want to review will be posted on Saturday. Reviews will be posted at noon on each of the days. They will not be posted every day or every week, but it is a loose schedule of each type of review. This just saves the worry of me getting clogged up with work and there not being any posts for two months like last time.

For veteran readers, it is already known that I am an enjoyer of horror movies. What you may not know because I don't remember if I mentioned it is that I particularly enjoy zombie-themed horror. Oddly enough, however, I prefer Silent Hill to Resident Evil and I hated the second and third movies. This zombie movie may be one of the better movies I've seen produced in 2009, but that may be because everything else I've seen besides District 9 has been complete garbage. This, like Brütal Legend for video games, may be my movie of the year.

Zombieland (2009) is the highest grossing zombie film in history. Hot damn. It has Woody Harrelson, who is pure badass; it has a Jesse Eisenberg who's trying to be an age-appropriate Michael Cera; Abigail Breslin, who was cuter than hell in Little Miss Sunshine, is a little badass herself; and then someone named Emma Stone whose work I'm not altogether familiar with. It's written by a guy who did stuff for Spike TV and then comedies for MTV. It was directed by a guy who has literally done nothing before hand. It could have been a disaster, or it could be the highest grossing zombie film in history.

This film has the ultimate winning combination of dry humor, over-the-top humor, sage-like advice, depressing moments, pure badass, and naive cuteness along with the writing of someone who apparently know how all of these get put together and a director who knows how to make it look absolutely amazing on screen. The shaky-cam directing really works for Zombieland, and the writing explains the epic zombie incursion by way of sketchy hamburger. Realistic? Maybe. I know a guy who went blind from eating a bad burger--no joke. Funny? Pretty much, yeah. Innocuous dangers are always amusing. Scary? You bet your ass. I like hamburgers. This is about as close as you're going to get for a Left 4 Dead movie you're ever going to get.

Acting, again, is perfect for every mood of the film. The cast, plus the unbelievable cameos, all rock the hell out of this movie. Even after the film, Woody Harrelson attacked a guy in an airport saying he was still in character and thought it was a zombie. Or he was just high. He likes hanging out on the cover of High Times, or so I hear. Badass. Or stoned. Whatever. Mr. BM (not spoiling a cameo, not matter what) does what he does best and amazes the hell out of comedy-watching audiences. Jesse Eisenberg really is a poor man's Michael Cera, but he does a good job with it. Abigail Breslin rocks the part of angry twelve-year-old with a gun, but I found the acting of Emma Stone as her "sister" is a little weak--but not weak enough to draw away from the qualities of this movie.

The movie could have been a summer blockbuster, but the reasons for the October release is obvious, what with Halloween and all. Absolutely worth seeing in theaters, buying it on Blu-ray, and seeing the musical if they ever make one. Unless something dethrones it, I foresee this as my movie of the year. After seeing this movie, you will learn who you gonna call.

-Evan "Dez" O'Connor

1 comment:

  1. Randomly saw this film...I really can't remember why I saw it, probably was bored and it was the only interesting looking movie out. Though I am definitely glad I did see it. A great movie, and funny cameo.
