Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Word to your Mothership

So again Fallout 3 has supposedly come out with its last piece of downloadable content and again I have come to finish it in a day and subsequently review it. Let's not waste any time.

Mothership Zeta is the fifth DLC released for the Xbox 360 and will eventually be released on the PlayStation 3. Among the shortest contents released, the story of it is that you're released by hobby-horse-building aliens and must escape. Complete with finding and rescuing cryogenically frozen samurai, cowboys, astronauts, and Alaskan soldiers; exploding alien generators, and an outerspace dogfight. It was obviously pretty sick. My biggest complaint is that the Mothership Zeta is, at times, goddamn impossible to navigate the hallways. Some items are impossible to pick up except at a certain time when you're not even looking for it unless you checked the Fallout wiki before hand. Other than that, the add-on is short and sweet.

Being the shortest DLC with only about three hours of gameplay, it could be argued it's not worth the 800 Microsoft Points (ten dollars) but those people arguing that obviously don't know what they're talking about. What it may be worth to do is waiting until October when Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition comes out with all the DLCs with it. I have spent a total of $110 on everything, where if I waited till October it would have been $60. Despite what everyone may think, it was totally worth it. For those who haven't picked it up, the GOTY is going to be a must-buy. Time to tell those mommies and daddies what you want for Christmas.

-Evan "Dez" O'Connor

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